Design Team

Design Ops Case Study

Design Ops Project brief:

We have a team of Designers who are basically from the UI and Visual Design background and some are self-learned UX Designers. We need to identify and fill in the gaps in the team’s skill level, process, and deliverables to ensure we deliver quality outcomes to our clients.

We would want to set up the UX Center of Excellence in our organization.



To get an overview of the UX team structure, Project teams, team members, career ambitions, process, tools, collaboration with other supporting teams, motivations and challenges designers face as a team and as individual designers.

Targetted outcome:

  • Identify and define
  • Challenges of designers, roles, onboarding, career path
  • UX maturity level in the organization
  • Gaps is processes, skills, tools, developer handoffs, project management
  • Collaboration
  • Frameworks and Standardizations
  • Phased out a plan for setting up the Design ops in collaboration with design teams and leadership
  • Expected results

Design Ops – Getting started

  • We started with interviewing the team members individually and as a group. We spoke about each individual designer’s background and skill level, their problems, their way of working, and their perspectives on areas of improvement. We got a good understanding of the team structure, reporting and resource allocation to projects and their evaluation process.
  • We also interviewed product team members, product owners, business analysts, developers, and also the leadership.
Design Ops- Design team
Design Ops- Design team
Design Ops- Product team

Our Findings

Design Ops – Findings from Research
Design Ops – Findings from Research

Design Ops – Findings from Research


UX Maturity Level

Phased out Plan

Phase 1:

  • Upskilling Designers
  • Standardization
    • Tools
    • Process
    • Design System
    • Dev /handoffs
  • Create an individual employee career path
  • Hiring for additional roles
  • Evangelise UX at an org level
  • Define measures for UX Success