Mentoring for a Career in Design

A short talk that will not only unwind your biases but also nurture your true potential to make the next BOLD move…

UX Mentoring for first UX Job

Mentoring for a confident first UX designer job

The first job for a UX designer is generally filled with muddles, gaps in theoretical learning, and real-time needs challenges to adapt to processes, documentation, and deliverables. Through the mentoring sessions, the designers are mentored to overcome the challenges and fast-track their adoption to the organizational environment.

Suitable for: Self-learned UX Designers, Freshers, or UX designers into their early careers.

4 sessions of 1:1 Mentoring

Personalized Advice

Handling tricky stakeholders

Dev deliverables

UX Documentation

Key points and guidance to start your career with confidence

UX as a Career Option and Career Paths

Understand if UX is the right career option for you, Career paths, industry needs, job opportunities, and learning paths.

Suitable for: Students planning a career in Product Design or Interaction Design, Professionals exploring career opportunities in UX Design.

1:1 Mentoring

UX as a career option

Job Market for UX Designers, salary packages

UX Career Paths

Is UX the right career option for you?

Design Education, Cost analysis

Learning options Transition Plan

Mentoring for Women in Design who want to get back to work

Mentoring for Women in Design who want to get back to work. A career break is just a small pause, not a stop.

Suitable for: Women who plan to return to work after a few months to years of career break due to various reasons.

1:1 Mentoring

Career Development

Personal Development

Presentation Skills

Resume and Portfolio creation

Interview preparation

Women friendly Organisations and Networks

People Speak

Hear from my colleagues and mentees!

I started my work journey with Roopa, and she has helped me tremendously to develop my skills and enhance my knowledge about User Experience and it’s application in the company. She is one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve had the opportunity of working with and is always willing to put that extra help whenever I needed it. I am extremely grateful to have had a mentor like her in the early stages of my career.

Rucha Naik

Engineering trainee UX at Kimberly Clark

Roopa is a very hardworking and enthusiastic person. Team player, approachable and always ready to share knowledge with others. Her experience and interest in UX design are commendable. She is an empathetic person which enables her to understand user’s abilities, limitations, and goals and hence can design better products. We worked on a project together in McAfee, where I was very impressed by how she focused on each and every detail of the user experience. It was a pleasure working with her.

Asha Ramanjanaiah

Android Developer at Arq Group, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Enroll for Mentorship Program